
At Aguila, only the best materials enter our factory and only the best products leave it. We have a careful and extensive process of sourcing raw materials to ensure everything we create provides unparalleled performance.
Caliber | Bullet Type | weight | Application |
223 REM | Full Metal Jacket | 55 Grain | • Target/Range• Small Game |
5.56 | Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail | 62 Grain | • Target/Range• Small Game |
5.56 BP300 | Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail (Bulk Pack) | 55 Grain | • Target/Range |
5.56 x 45mm NATO 55 GRAIN FMJ | Full Metal Jacket | 55 Grain | • Target/Range |
5.56 GREEN TIP M855 BP300 | Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail | 62 Grain | • Target/Range |
30 CARBINE | Full Metal Jacket | 110 Grain | • Target/Range• Varmints |
300 AAC BLACKOUT | Full Metal Jacket | 150 Grain | • Target/Range |
308 WIN | Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail | 150 Grain | • Target/Range |
7.62 | Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail | 150 Grain | • Target/Range |
6.5 CREEDMOOR | Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail | 140 Grain | • Target/Range |
22-250 REM 60 GR SOFT POINT | Soft Point | 60 Grain | • Hunting |
243 WIN 100 GR BOAT TAIL SP | Boat Tail Soft Point | 100 Grain | • Hunting |
6.5 CREEDMOOR 129 GR SOFT POINT | Soft Point | 129 Grain | • Hunting |
270 WIN 130 GR SOFT POINT | Soft Point | 130 Grain | • Hunting |
7MM REM MAG 139 GR SOFT POINT | Soft Point | 139 Grain | • Hunting |
30-30 WIN 150 GR ROUND NOSE | Round Nose | 150 Grain | • Hunting |
308 WIN 150 GR SOFT POINT | Soft Point | 150 Grain | • Hunting |
30-06 SPRG 150 GR SOFT POINT | Soft Point | 150 Grain | • Hunting |
300 WIN MAG 180 GR SOFT POINT | Soft Point | 180 Grain | • Hunting |
About our Rifle Ammo
Rifles represent the pinnacle of capacity, power, distance, accuracy and versatility. Though they may take many forms, their longer barrels are able to extract the most out of a cartridge. From complete powder burn to longer contact times between the rifling and the projectile, rifles are uniquely suited to putting a cartridge to its ultimate test. This is a challenge that we at Aguila are happy to accept.
Our rifle cartridge offering has been created to deliver the highest degree of reliability and performance to the shooter across the widest array of modern firearms. Geared primarily for the tactical shooter, multi-gun competitor and for the rifle training enthusiast, we have dedicated decades of research into a range of cartridges sharing a common heritage of innovation and quality control. From our consistent pressures and velocities to our reliable chambering and ignition, you can count on Aguila for a cartridge that will extract the most from your favorite rifle or carbine. Never being satisfied to rest on our accomplishments, we are always looking for opportunities to supplement our offering of popular legacy cartridges, .308 Winchester and .223 Remington for example, with the rising stars of this generation, such as 6.5 Creedmoor and .300 Blackout. We are looking forward to showing you what we have in mind next!