Plinko De Mayo 2024

Aguila® Announces 2nd Annual Plinko De Mayo Celebration: A Tribute to Mexican Heritage and Rimfire Shooting
Houston, TX - As the largest rimfire manufacturer in the world, Aguila® proudly presents the second annual Plinko De Mayo celebration, a holiday that honors our rich Mexican heritage while indulging in the joy of informal target shooting.
What is Plinko De Mayo?
Plinko De Mayo embodies the essence of informal target shooting, a beloved pastime where enthusiasts take aim at non-standard targets using Aguila’s renowned 22 LR ammunition. Whether it's tin cans, logs, bottles, or any homemade or naturally occurring target, Plinko De Mayo celebrates the thrill of hitting the mark with Aguila precision.
When is Plinko De Mayo?
Plinko De Mayo is a yearly festivity held on May 5th, inviting shooters of all ages to revel in the excitement of plinking with Aguila.
What Makes Plinko De Mayo Fun?
At Plinko De Mayo, age is just a number, and every shooter gets to relive the joy of childhood. With Aguila 22 LR ammunition, even novices can experience the thrill of hitting targets and honing their shooting skills. It’s a day filled with laughter, camaraderie, and the satisfaction of nailing that perfect shot.
What to Use for a Plinko De Mayo Target?
From balloons to piñatas, golf balls to hard Mexican candy, Plinko De Mayo targets come in all shapes and sizes. Anything from a soda can to an arbitrary spot on a tree can serve as a worthy aim, providing an exhilarating reaction to each hit.
How Do You Celebrate it with Aguila?
Prepare for Plinko De Mayo by stocking up on Aguila 22 Long Rifle ammunition. Visit our “find a retailer” page, enter your zip code, and locate the nearest retailer to ensure you have everything you need for a day of shooting fun.
Capture your Plinko De Mayo experience on video and share it with us on social media. Tag @aguilaammo for a chance to win a coveted swag bag and the opportunity to be featured in our story. Don’t forget to include our hashtags: #plinkodemayo #aguilaplinko #aguilarimfire #shootmorerimfire #aguila22lr
Join Aguila as we salute Mexican heritage and the exhilaration of rimfire shooting this Plinko De Mayo. Let the festivities begin! Get your gear at